Some people travel independently; others choose group tours. Organizing everything by yourself can become hard. But leaving everything to the tour agency means little freedom for you. What about a middle option: a self-drive tour? Learn what they include, their advantages, and about some self-drive tours on offer!

What is a self-guided tour?

Going on a self-guided tour means that you will have a provided itinerary but will travel by yourself. Some self-drive tours might also include such amenities as accommodation or vehicles. The itineraries are made by locals that travel the route themselves and take notes. Then they share this knowledge with you. For example, they might create the track on Google maps. Then, when you book the tour, you will be sent the map.

Self-drive tours can be very various. Some only include clean, paved roads. Others might seem like off‑roading since there might be many dirt roads. They might feel like a safari drive. When you choose a tour, the organizers will state what kind of roads there are and what type of car you need. Some tours with good roads are fine for all vehicles. Others might have dirt roads, which require better cars to get through them successfully, such as SUVs and 4×4 vehicles.

Advantages of a self-drive tour

Cost-effectiveness. The usual group tours are expensive: you pay for the transport, for the guide, for the services, etc. While you have to take into account the cost of fuel during self-drive tours, they are still much cheaper. 

Flexibility. When you are traveling with an organized tour, you have to keep to a strict schedule. On the other hand, when you are the one driving, there are no deadlines. If you want to get up earlier or later, you can. If you wish to stay longer for lunch, you can. Bad weather on the day you planned to set off? No worries: you can put off the trip for another day. 

Freedom and independence. It’s similar to flexibility: you can also decide which way to go or what objects to visit. And while you are not traveling completely independently because you have the route planned for you, you will still get that feeling of independence. You are traveling by yourself, after all! 

Sense of achievement. Although you have an itinerary, you will still be navigating and traveling by yourself. And once you complete the tour, you can be proud of your accomplishment!

Chance to explore the local culture. Self-guided tours allow you to visit not only famous sights but also little gems off the beaten track. Moreover, you will have opportunities to interact with locals on a self-drive tour: you will not be surrounded by fellow tourists like on group tours. 

Here is a video of a self-drive tour you can book on XRental

Tips when choosing a tour

Self-drive tours are not unsafe, but you should still be careful. There will not be a guide to help you beside you as you will be navigating by yourself. So take all precautions. Here are some tips for a safe self-drive tour.

Make sure your car will manage. Some self-guided tours might include unpaved dirt roads, which might be too difficult to handle for a small vehicle. Also, when planning to go on such routes, ensure you know who to call or contact if you get stuck or need help. 

Check your insurance. Accidents are rare if you drive safely, but they happen. So make sure you have insurance on this trip: call your agent if needed. Some agencies organizing these tours might also offer insurance.

Rest before the trip. If you choose a specific self-drive tour, you might have to travel to a particular location to start. Try not to make a big trip before the start: better spend the night somewhere close. Self-guidedtours can be tough. Tiredness will not only make them less enjoyable but also dangerous.

Are you excited to book a self-drive tour? Check out our article on the best self-guided tours in Lithuania or book one!